29-Corimax Violet 5011 pigmentli binafsha

Mahsulot parametrlari ro'yxati

Rang ko'rsatkichi raqami.29-pigment binafsha
Mahsulot nomiCorimax Violet 5011
Mahsulot toifasiOrganik pigment
Yorug'lik tezligi (qoplama)7
Issiqlikka chidamlilik (qoplama)200
Yorug'lik tezligi (plastik)7-8
Issiqlik qarshiligi (plastik)290
Hue taqsimotipv

Avtomobil bo'yoqlari, arxitektura bo'yoqlari, sanoat bo'yoqlari, chang bo'yoqlari, bosma pastalar, PVX, kauchuk, PS, PP, PE, PU, ofset siyoh, suvga asoslangan siyoh, hal qiluvchi siyoh, UV siyohlari uchun tavsiya etiladi.
Lasan qoplamalariga qo'llanilishi mumkin.

MSDS(Pigment violet 29)

As a high-performance colorant supplier, Zeya not only provides high-quality purple organic pigments, but also provides the following products: Pigment yellow 183, Pigment yellow 151, 191 pigmentli sariq, etc. These yellow pigments have a high sales volume and are widely used. If you are interested in these products, you can visit the product page for details.
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