Pigment qizil 123-Corimax qizil 123
Mahsulot parametrlari ro'yxati
Rang ko'rsatkichi raqami. | Pigment qizil 123 |
Mahsulot nomi | Corimax Red 123 |
Mahsulot toifasi | Organik pigment |
Yorug'lik tezligi (qoplama) | 5 |
Issiqlikka chidamlilik (qoplama) | 180 |
Yorug'lik tezligi (plastik) | 6-7 |
Issiqlik qarshiligi (plastik) | 250 |
Rangi | ![]() |
Hue taqsimoti |
Sanoat bo'yoqlari, chang qoplamalari, bosma pastalar, PU, suvga bo'yalgan siyohlar, erituvchi siyohlar, UV siyohlari uchun tavsiya etiladi.
Me'moriy qoplamalar, lasan qoplamalari, ofset siyohlari uchun tavsiya etiladi.
Tegishli ma'lumotlar
English name: Pigment Red 123
English alias: 711450; CI Pigment Red 1232,9-bis (4-ethoxyphenyl) isoquino [4 ', 5', 6 ': 6,5,10] anthra [2,1,9-def] isoquinoline-1,3 , 8,10 (2H, 9H) -tetrone; Red Pigment 123
CAS number: 24108-89-2
EINECS number: 246-018-4
Molecular formula: C40H26N2O6
Molecular weight: 630.6442
InChI: InChI = 1 / C40H26N2O6 / c1-3-47-23-9-5-21 (6-10-23) 41-37 (43) 29-17-13-25-27-15-19-31- 36-32 (40 (46) 42 (39 (31) 45) 22-7-11-24 (12-8-22) 48-4-2) 20-16-28 (34 (27) 36) 26- 14-18-30 (38 (41) 44) 35 (29) 33 (25) 26 / h5-20H, 3-4H2, 1-2H3
Molekulyar tuzilish:
Fizikaviy va kimyoviy xususiyatlari:
Rang yoki yorug'lik: qizil
Relative density: 1.43-1.52
Bulk density / (lb / gal): 11.9-12.6
Average particle size / μm: 0.15
Specific surface area / (m2 / g): 23
Oil absorption / (g / 100g): 45-49
Qoplama kuchi: shaffof turi
Mahsulotdan foydalanish:
It gives a neutral red hue, is purer than C.I. Pigment Red 190, and slightly yellower than C.I. Pigment qizil 178. It has high light resistance, weather fastness, good solvent resistance, and gloss finish resistance. The specific surface area of Paliogen Red L3870 HD is 27m2 / g. This pigment is not only suitable for high-end automotive coatings, but also for latex paints for outdoor walls. However, it has slightly lower alkali resistance. When the plastic coloring temperature is too high (> 220 ° C), the color changes to blue and darkens. It is also suitable for PUR. Coloring.